For New Patients: FSC offers all new patients a 10% discount on the first purchase of medicated products. Also, beginning October 1, for new patients spending $100 or more on their second visit, FSC is providing a one-time-only $50 discount. This is being done to offset the $50 fee charged by the Medical Marijuana Program for medical marijuana cards.

Ongoing Discount Programs: FSC offers three discount programs – Standard Member, Compassion, Michelle Reed Terminal Illness – for eligible patients. There are different requirements for each program that patients must meet in order to be a member of one or more of these programs. Patients are required to either bring their documentation into a FSC facility or email the documentation to

“Standard Member Program”

The Standard Member Program is for a flat-rate discount of 10% on all medical purchases. The members of this program include:

  • US Military Veterans
  • Retired or Active First Responders
  • Patients that are 65 years of age or older
  • Medicare recipients

Accepted Forms of Documentation:

  • US Military Veteran ID or DD-214
  • Any form of ID/Badge/Paperwork stating full name and position held (First Responders)
  • Medicare Card or Medicare benefit statement (Must include patient’s name)

“Compassion Program” 

The Compassion Program is an income-based program offered to qualifying patients. The discounts issued can be 10%, 15%, or 20% based on their income.

Requirements and documentation:

For tax-payers:

  • Most recent tax return along with a W-2 or proof of income. Patient’s name and address must match those on the documentation provided.

For non-filer’s:

  • Non-filing letter from the IRS along with a W-2 or proof of income. Patient’s name and address must match those on the documentation provided.

Michelle Reed Terminal Illness Program

The Michelle Reed Terminal Illness Program is a compassion-based program for our patients who are terminally ill. This program is for terminal patients who have been given 12 months or less to live. Patients in this program will receive a monthly allotment for their medication purchases.

Steps to obtain Terminal Illness Discount:

  • Patient must fill out a Terminal Illness Application provided by FSC
  • The patient must take the application to their doctor, and have them fill out the physician portion of the application.
  • The patient will return the application to FSC to be reviewed.

Perdiatric Program

35% off on pediatric-specific medication

RSO Discount

50% off RSO to qualified patients

If you qualify for any of the discount programs and have further questions, call us at 302-543-2100.