Please Read This Before Placing Your First FSC Online Order

by Mar 6, 2020News

If you are placing a delivery order please read the terms and conditions first. Click here for delivery terms and FAQ:

Already read the terms below? Click to place your online order at FSC Wilmington or FSC Lewes.

First State Compassion is happy to announce the transition to online ordering takes place Monday, September 14. Walk-ins are also welcome!

We have two informative video tutorials for our patients. Please be sure to watch both.

Watch Video Tutorial 1

Watch Video Tutorial 2

First time/new patients will be allowed in BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. All new patients will be required to schedule an appointment ahead of time. Click here to schedule your New Patient Orientation. For further assistance please call the dispensary and follow the prompts.

FSC Wilmington accepts online orders Monday-Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm, and on Saturday 10:00am to 3:30pm.

All orders placed must be picked up by Close of Business (6:30pm M-F, 4:00pm Saturday) on the day they are placed. Patients who do not arrive within this timeframe (10am-6:30pm M-F, 10am-4:00pm Saturday) will have their orders returned to inventory, which may result in a restocking fee. 

Please place the order using your name exactly as it is displayed on your medical marijuana card – no nicknames, please!

Please do not click ‘Save my info’ or ‘Save’ at any point in the ordering process.

Online orders are final and cannot be modified. After ordering, patients will receive 1 (one) text message confirming or cancelling their order (if the product is unavailable). Our inventory team will call you if your order could only be partially fulfilled due to supply.

Please do not come to the dispensary until you have received your confirmation text.

Please continue reading for information on visiting FSC Wilmington and FSC Lewes.

Picking up your online order from FSC Wilmington:

When you arrive at FSC Wilmington, you will be greeted at the gate to confirm you have placed an online order. Our security team will direct your vehicle to the curbside pick-up location. Patients must have their Delaware Medical Marijuana Card with them in order to pick-up medication.

Please note: We do not accept walk-up orders. Please be sure you’ve read and acknowledged our FSC Online Order terms.

Picking up your online order from FSC Lewes:

When you arrive at FSC Lewes, you will see 14 designated FSC Parking Spots marked with orange cones. Once you receive a confirmation text, you may walk to the entrance where FSC security will admit you into the dispensary to pick up your medication. Patients must have their current Delaware Medical Marijuana Card with them in order to pick-up medication.

Please note: We do not accept walk-up orders. Please be sure you’ve read and acknowledged our FSC Online Order terms.