FSC is Hiring. Join Our Team!

FSC is Hiring. Join Our Team!

Do you enjoy helping people feel better? We do, and if you do, too, you might be a great candidate as a First State Compassion (FSC) team member. If you’re unfamiliar with the medical marijuana business in Delaware, FSC is a pioneer in the industry, operating the...
FSC’s COVID-19 Mask Requirement Update

FSC’s COVID-19 Mask Requirement Update

Governor John Carney has declared that effective Monday, January 3, 2022, the state of Delaware is in a state of emergency due to a public health threat caused by an increase of COVID 19 cases. Because of this, the state of Delaware will institute an indoor mask...
The benefits of Medical Marijuana Tinctures

The benefits of Medical Marijuana Tinctures

While you may think of ‘medical marijuana’ as just another version of the recreational cannabis plant, it’s actually so much more. Medical marijuana comes in many shapes, sizes, scents, flavors… Simply put, there aren’t many of the five senses that medical marijuana...