Grandpa’s Using Medical Marijuana

Grandpa’s Using Medical Marijuana

According to studies on drug use among older Americans, their marijuana use is increasing at a steady rate year after year, and is now as common among Baby Boomers as among teens. More recent studies on the effects of older adults using cannabis suggest that doing so...
Welcome to Your Wellness Journey

Welcome to Your Wellness Journey

Medical cannabis, like other medicine, is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. What helps one patient manage their chronic back pain, and another patient feel relief from their severe daily migraines, may not help the cancer patient suffering from nausea. It’s important...
Anatomy of the Medical Cannabis Experience

Anatomy of the Medical Cannabis Experience

So, you’re in pain and discomfort from a qualifying condition and considering medical cannabis as part of your treatment program. This effective therapy has been around for centuries. Over the years, extraordinary advances in scientific research on cannabis have led...
Cannabis 2022: Where Are We Now?

Cannabis 2022: Where Are We Now?

2022 has been an interesting year for cannabis, not just in Delaware, but across the country! We are thrilled each month to see this industry change and grow, and we’re thrilled to be leading the way for our amazing patients in Delaware. Now that the first half...
The benefits of Medical Marijuana Tinctures

The benefits of Medical Marijuana Tinctures

While you may think of ‘medical marijuana’ as just another version of the recreational cannabis plant, it’s actually so much more. Medical marijuana comes in many shapes, sizes, scents, flavors… Simply put, there aren’t many of the five senses that medical marijuana...