by FSC INTERNAL TEAM | Oct 27, 2022 | Education
Medical cannabis can work wonders for those who manage chronic pain and other conditions – especially if patients find the ingestion method that works best for them. Each type of cannabis has its distinct ingestion method. We’ve highlighted the benefits of some of the...
by FSC INTERNAL TEAM | Jul 21, 2022 | Perspective
So, you’re in pain and discomfort from a qualifying condition and considering medical cannabis as part of your treatment program. This effective therapy has been around for centuries. Over the years, extraordinary advances in scientific research on cannabis have led...
by Mark Lally, CEO | Jan 6, 2020 | Education, Perspective
Delaware’s medical marijuana pioneer, CEO Mark Lally of First State Compassion. When Delaware’s first medical marijuana dispensary opened its doors in Wilmington in 2015, the numbers were promising. First State Compassion (FSC) was serving 250 patients monthly,...
by Mark Lally, CEO | Nov 7, 2019 | Education, Spotlight
“Every medical establishment should treat patients this way. It’s important to get that conversation started to establish an ongoing relationship.” Louise Lewis is describing the innovative 4-Day Follow-up program at First State Compassion (FSC), Delaware’s premier...
by Mark Lally, CEO | Jul 11, 2019 | Perspective
Mark Lally, CEO, First State Compassion Even though the use of marijuana (also known as cannabis) in Western medicine dates to the mid-19th century, this natural remedy has lurked in the shadows of the underground for most of the past eight decades. In 2011, Delaware...